4 EMAIL marketing courses you must know about

4 EMAIL marketing courses you must know about
Over the last few decades, the marketing trends have reformed as well. People nowadays try many different approaches to seek new customers and promote their

Over the last few decades, the marketing trends have reformed as well. People nowadays try many different approaches to seek new customers and promote their businesses. Business owners make full use of social media, SMS marketing, online platforms, and whatnot. Similarly, email marketing is just another tool to build new customers. Let’s dig deep into how email marketing works.

Email Marketing
Email Marketing 

How does email marketing work?

Many businesses including yours can start an email marketing campaign; it is very easy. You collect email addresses from your customers during their visits and then, you send them promotional emails. You can send them emails about a new product launch or discount items. 

But still, email marketing involves a proper strategy and a target audience. Your plan has to be very effective to gain maximum responses. The reason is that you’ll be investing your effort and time and it should be worth it. You can learn effective plans through professionals. Let’s take a look at these courses for you.

Udemy: 10 email marketing strategies that make me six figures

Your guide: 

Nik Swami

Course information:

This course is specially designed for organizations, businesses, and entrepreneurs. This course is up-to-date according to the 2021 standard. The course name says so much about the results. It focuses on email marketing strategies that will directly increase your revenue. The course contains a two-hour video explaining everything about emails. The instructor demonstrates whatever she teaches so you can learn marketing.

You will gain,

  • 10 email marketing strategies.
  • Tips on expanding your email list.
  • Tips on sending emails.
  • Tips on responding to client’s emails.

HubSpot Academy: email marketing course: Get certified in email marketing

Your guide:

Courtney Sembler

Course information:

HubSpot is providing us with this free email certification course. You can create your account or sign up through your Google account. The course contains 9 lessons based on 28 videos. The total time would be approx. 3 hours. Moreover, it has quizzes in the end to check your learning. 

 This course will teach you about different marketing strategies and how to implement them. In this way, you will learn and it will add more to your career. Furthermore, you will learn about earning customer’s loyalty and trust. In the end, HubSpot will provide you with their free email marketing tool for you to practice. Email marketing is a popular digital marketing skill. Learning this will promote your career and your resume.

HubSpot Academy
HubSpot Academy

LinkedIn: Email and newsletter marketing foundation

Your guide:

Megan Adams

Course information:

This is a beginner-level course. If you are new to this field or if you want to save yourself from hiring professional marketers, you can take this course. This course starts from the basics and covers a beneficial marketing strategy for your business. The instructor is a professional marketer herself; she will teach you about sending and responding to emails, and what to write in the email. The content is extremely important. It must catch the viewers’ attention and it must move them. Or else, it’ll be just an email lying in their inbox.


Coursera: Use Mailchimp to Build an E-mail Marketing Campaign

Your guide:

Stacey- Shanklin Langford

Course information:

This is a free project guidance course. It will take only 2 hours to complete this course. People with basic knowledge about digital marketing can take this course. The reviews of this course are remarkable and it won’t cost you a penny. The main focus of this course is to learn different email marketing tools and their application. They are teaching through MailChimp, which is another tool for email marketing. 

This guided project promotes step-by-step learning. Through MailChimp you will learn,

  • To set your audience.
  • Create a useful email campaign to target maximum audience.
  • To write amazing content in your email.
  • How to edit and implement your campaign.
  • How to send your campaign.


The above-mentioned platforms will help you in your email marketing training. The world has changed. Now, we have advanced methods and social media for promoting our business. Through proper planning, your business has a really good chance of reaching a good position. This is why you need these courses. You cannot just sit back, relax and expect good things to come to you. You have to work hard and take what is yours.