5 guaranteed ways to build brand awareness

5 guaranteed ways to build brand awareness
Have you ever noticed why you order a coke instead of a soft drink? Or why do you refer to your shoes as Nike instead

Have you ever noticed why you order a coke instead of a soft drink? Or why do you refer to your shoes as Nike instead of just shoes? Well yes, we all are familiar with the concept of brands but how do you speculate this happened? Did it happen overnight? The answer is no. It took many marketing strategies and promotions to attain this glory.

Build Brand Awareness
Build Brand Awareness

Some brands are more eminent than other brands. We have incorporated them into our lives so much that we don’t even recall the actual product. This is why you tell your friends that you are an apple person and they automatically know you’re talking about Apple Technology Company. But how does one reach such heights of recognition? 

First, what is brand awareness?

Establishing brand awareness is an essential marketing skill. It is an imperative technique to reach your target audience. If a person hears about your brand and he/she can recall about your business, your products, services, and experience then congratulations, you have done well in promoting your brand. Yet still, it is not an easy job. So, how do you build brand awareness? 

First, What Is Brand Awareness
First, What Is Brand Awareness

Guaranteed ways to generate brand awareness:

Emerging brands often struggle with gaining recognition that they need to thrive. I am going to share some tips and tricks to help you build brand awareness.

Give them a taste of your products:

One of the many ways among brand awareness campaigns is to create both free and paid versions. Many online businesses choose to promote their brands similarly. Many users will opt for a free version and they start using it. Once they use the free version, they will get used to working with your product. In this way, many customers would switch to the paid version. 

Moreover, people would suggest other people try the free version. Many amazing online products use their watermarks to further promote the name of their brand. 

Netflix is a huge online entertainment platform. It offers a one-month free trial to its users. Many of them switch to the premium subscription after the trial. Furthermore, it provides group discounts as well. 

Give Them A Taste Of Your Products
Give Them A Taste Of Your Products

Approach the right ‘influencers’:

Social media is a part of modern marketing. Lately, the concept of influencers is trending and people follow them wholeheartedly. If you approach the right person with the right number of followers, it can help in your brand acknowledgment.

  • Bloggers: Blogging is an online profession. You can approach fashion bloggers if you are from the fashion business. They can do a give-away or write a decent review to promote your products. Similarly, food bloggers can promote new food brands.
  • Brand ambassadors: Signing celebrities as your brand ambassadors is a pro-move. Reputable celebs love associating with famous brands and this helps in the brand promotion 

Sponsor public events:

Sponsorship is an investment that increases brand publicity. Many huge brands sponsor public events like the world cup and Olympics. Take a good look at Ronaldo’s shirt. There is a logo of Adidas and the Fly Emirates written on the front. This sponsorship will give these brands more fame and recognition

Sponsor Public Events
Sponsor Public Events

Similarly, local brands can also sponsor charities and concerts to promote their name.

Be unique, Be different:

It is easier to get attention when you stand out from the crowd. It is one of the best ways to build brand awareness. Be different. Do things that most brands can never do. People notice these things and they remember the brand. Stand up for humanitarian causes, donate more, give discounts, and most importantly, establish better customer relationships. These are just a few ways to stand out. 

Start a podcast:

Many people in the US love listening to podcasts. You can start your very own podcast and promote your brand’s name. Moreover, you can invite different guests because people love hearing about different opinions and ideas.

Whether they’re driving home or cooking meals, your podcasts can inspire them. These people will get the word out and this helps in the promotion of the brand.

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In addition to all this, there are many marketing courses to help you out further in your journey. Brand awareness takes many efforts. One thing is for sure, nothing is impossible if you are persistent. With your hard work and efforts, your brand will get the recognition it deserves.