5 platforms to learn how to make a chatbot

5 platforms to learn how to make a chatbot
Did you ever notice when you text a business page on Facebook messenger, you receive an auto-generated message. Sometimes, a chatbot is communicating with you.

Did you ever notice when you text a business page on Facebook messenger, you receive an auto-generated message. Sometimes, a chatbot is communicating with you. Why is this so? The main reason is efficiency. A human responder may not always be attentive but a chatbot definitely serves the purpose of efficiency. Therefore, chatbots are efficient and they provide better customer service. Big companies have already incorporated chatbots into their routine. While small companies are still working on it and adjusting to it. 

5 Platforms to Learn How to Make a Chatbot
5 Platforms to Learn How to Make a Chatbot

Who Makes a chatbot?

A chatbot is a computer program designed for communication with people. And who makes computer programs? Yes! Programmers. To make a chatbot, you must know basic programming languages. Languages like Python, RASA, NLP, and JavaScript are most commonly used for building chatbots. However, you can also use different platforms.

Where can you learn to make chatbots?

There are many platforms through which you can learn and build your chatbots. Or they may build it for you. Let’s find you the best chatbot platform


Through Botsify, you can create top-notch chatbots. Whether it’s a Facebook messenger, WordPress, or Slack, you can easily make conversational AI-based chatbots. You can use a free trial or a product demo before investing. The chatbots will engage your customers and turn them into potential leads. You can respond faster, generate leads and provide on-time customer support. Moreover, this will also reduce your customer service costs and increase your customer retention rates. 

This chatbot platform doesn’t need coding experience. You can build your chatbot and also switch to human support wherever needed. Many famous companies like Apple and Shazam use Botsify to assist their customers.


Mobile monkey:

Mobile monkey is one of the best for chatbot building. Mobile monkey is an overall marketing platform and chatbot development is a part of it. Their chatbot marketing technology is called Omni chat. It has some great features like,

Multiplatform chatbot builder:

You can write down your chat content and the chatbot will answer it on every platform like Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Instant response:

The chatbot will respond immediately on the same platform. This provides ease of communication.

Apart from these benefits, mobile monkey guarantees 3x more lead generation and better customer relationships. Entrepreneurs recommend mobile monkeys for growth and engagement. 

Mobile Monkey
Mobile Monkey


Lobster by EBI is famous for creating the most advanced chatbots. Their goal is to make fully conversational AI chatbots for excellent customer experience in B2C sales. With lobster, you can generate a well-managed chatbot in 4-6 weeks. Moreover, you can customize your chatbot and give it your brand’s touch for personalization. You can also take opinions from Lobster’s genius team of designers, analysts, engineers, and IT technicians. They are more than willing to help you out in your endeavors. Lobster will also point out your flaws so that you can further perfect your chatbot.



This chatbot AI platform can provide solutions to any problem. Their chatbots can efficiently generate leads and answer questions about your brand. They do all this with speed and accuracy. The aim is to convert those one-time visitors into paying customers. Imperson’s chatbots deal with text, audio, video, and recordings on all messaging media. Furthermore, the chatbots will resolve any customer complaint and issue. You can save your money and invest it in expanding your business.



Pandorabots have built a huge number of bots already. This platform is best for B2C sales. Also, their bots are very famous. They use an artificial intelligence markup language (AIML). This language is user-friendly for those without a programming background. You can deploy these bots on websites, Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, and Slack. The AI chatbots are smarter than many humans and they know how to decide on a given time. This platform has a free, developer, and pro version. However, all versions are affordable. 


You can perform a chatbot platform comparison and then go for the best one. Almost all of them have similar features. All these platforms are focused on generating leads, increasing sales, and building business. Chatbots are soon to replace humans in big industries and companies because of their efficiency and cost-effectiveness.