5 Sales tools sales reps need to succeed

5 Sales tools sales reps need to succeed
As shopping from online sources is becoming very popular among customers, it is very important for sales companies and sales reps to engage with customers

As shopping from online sources is becoming very popular among customers, it is very important for sales companies and sales reps to engage with customers wherever they might be. Doing a job manually that can be done automatically by using sales tools will help you save a lot of time for you to perform other more important duties.

Technology and different platforms are a necessity nowadays. That’s true, not only for the companies but also for customers. People use the internet to watch, listen, read, paint, draw, and many other things that they are interested in. Companies nowadays use these platforms to target their audience and get to know more about them.

Sales Tools Sales Reps Need To Succeed
Sales Tools Sales Reps Need To Succeed

What are the best sales tools?

While there are many ways to improve your sales, here are some tools that can help you do that.

Customer relationship management 

A customer relationship management platform is one of the most important sales tools in the industry. Keeping a track of customer information and generating leads from that is a priority for every company to succeed in the market. An effective customer relationship management platform or CRM platform lets you do that with ease and much productivity.

Combine SalesForce and SoloFire and you have got yourself a foolproof strategy to run every lead through a tunnel that is carefully crafted to identify the ones that matter. These two programs help you keep all the information about the customers in one place while automating the process of entering documents and feeding data into your cloud drive to track your customers easily.


Kind of an obvious one, but a must-have and a must mention. One of every two pockets that you put your hands in, will have a phone. Mobile phones are a necessity nowadays and smartphones offer way more flexibility. With a strong internet connection, a smartphone is as efficient as a computer. People use it for calling others, buying online, keeping tabs, and online browsing.

What does this mean for salespeople? Well, a sales rep does all that on a daily basis. You can answer your emails, call your clients, video conference with your colleagues and superiors, or follow a potential lead only by using your smartphone effectively.


Virtual proposal platforms

Gone are the days when salespeople had to present their ideas to the clients in a meeting. They had to wait for all the concerned parties to reach and after sitting them down, they had to pitch their ideas in the form of a lecture. You don’t need to do that nowadays as technology has advanced and with that, the sales and marketing world has been introduced to many new tools.

Tools like Loom and Vidyard allow salespeople to make short videos and send them to their clients. These short videos have all the information that they want to convey to their customers or potential buyers in an interesting way. This does not only save time for both parties, but it also acts as a conveyor for vital information on all ends.

Marketing automation tools

It is very hard for sales reps to maintain a family life side by side with social as well as a marketing life. You might be getting so many calls, messages, and emails that you will not know who’s who and what’s what. Even if you do, answering every text and email related to sales yourself will take most of your time and you won’t be able to do anything else. 

 Marketing automation tools such as MailChimp or mailing lists can help you automate the process of marketing. A MailChimp software lets you keep track of all the customers and their mails and only keeps the emails that are important according to the preferences that you set. A very affordable way to send out emails to thousands of your potential customers at the same in a very friendly way.

Marketing Automation Tools
Marketing Automation Tools

Social media

We have been saving the best for the last. A sales rep’s success is determined by how well he uses the different social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and others. Billions of active users on these platforms are just waiting for you to pitch your sales ideas in front of them.

Increasing your online presence and making it count every time you are there, by interacting with the prospects in a productive way will bring a lot of success to your brand.

Social Media
Social Media

As a sales rep, you must have complete knowledge of these tools, so you can achieve better results. In the meantime, you need to update your skills, for which you can take the latest online sales courses