Active listening courses: become a better listener

Active listening courses: become a better listener
Does it happen to you when someone speaks, you listen to it, but you are unable to comprehend it? Do you feel like you have

Does it happen to you when someone speaks, you listen to it, but you are unable to comprehend it? Do you feel like you have less attention span and zone out easily? It is because you don’t listen actively. Your mind is always wandering somewhere else, and you are not a good listener.

It can affect both your personal and professional life. Your wife or girlfriend may get mad if you don’t listen to her. The same is with your kids because they want you to listen to them. If you miss out on important details, your boss may fire you. Do you see why you need to listen actively? 

Active Listening Courses: Become a Better Listener
Active Listening Courses: Become a Better Listener

You can learn some tips and tricks to get out of this ‘zoning out’ pattern of yours. These will help you to stay attentive, and become a better listener.

Explore these active listening skills courses to actively participate in different aspects of your life.

Udemy: Active listening masterclass


Everett Bowes

Course information

It is a short course of 31 minutes and has eight downloadable resources. The course rating is 4.4 stars. Your instructor has divided it into seven sections and further subdivided into 14 lectures. It is available for a small price of $19.99 only.

Course learning

You will learn many things like active listening and employee retention. You will learn to focus on one work at a time. It helps with your productivity. You will learn to recognize the factors which interfere in your listening process and how to avoid them. Learning all these will result in better work outcomes, overall efficiency, and improving team dynamics. You can also help other people struggling with active listening through this active listening masterclass.

Udemy: Active Listening Masterclass
Udemy: Active Listening Masterclass

Udemy: Active Listening: You Can Be a Great Listener


Lauren Powers

Course information

It is a best seller with a 4.5-star rating. This course is available for a small price of $18.99 only. It contains a 2.5-hour video on how to learn active listening. It has an additional practice test to access your learning. You will gain full lifetime access to this course.

Course learning

You will learn when you are reacting while you should be listening instead. It will enable you to practice observation. This is great because when you observe, you realize many things. You must practice this greatly to listen to what the speaker has to say and control your urge of speaking. Moreover, try gestures that make the speaker know that you listen and understand them correctly. The only requirement is you realizing your habits and wanting to change.

Udemy: Active Listening: You Can Be a Great Listener
Udemy: Active Listening: You Can Be a Great Listener Active listening training: the secret of great communicators



Course information

There are eight lessons in this active listening course. The rating is 4.6 stars, and it will take almost twelve hours to complete this course.

Course learning

This course has the following main modules,

  • Introduction
  • Individual assessment
  • Factors affecting active listening
  • Individual communication behaviors
  • Focus on communication
  • Words that are driven by emotions

They go in a sequence and start by recognizing your problems and then, find the active solution. They promote learning through active group sessions and workshops. Interactive learning will help you practice your listening even more. It will also teach you to identify when you become too emotional and keep them under control. You will learn different tips and tricks to focus on your listening and develop action plans to implement it. Active Listening Training: the Secret of Great Communicators Active Listening Training: the Secret of Great Communicators

The impact of active listening

Active listening can help you improve effective communication at the workplace. It helps you build strong relationships and trust with your colleagues and loved ones. Sometimes, people only need to rant, and they don’t even want a solution. They want a listener. You can be that listener for your friends and family. Staying attentive at the workplace won’t let you miss out on important details, and will help you maintain a good reputation.

It is the key to better communication. Some of us are built-in great listeners, and others have to learn this. What matters is that you keep trying to be a better person because it takes courage to accept your faults and work on them.