Building a personal brand using social media

Building a personal brand using social media
Just like a clothing brand sells clothes to people, a personal brand is like marketing your abilities to the people. It exposes your skills on

Just like a clothing brand sells clothes to people, a personal brand is like marketing your abilities to the people. It exposes your skills on an individual level like a photographer or a plumber. 

Building a personal brand using social media can be just the thing you need. Different social apps like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram can be very successful selling platforms. People use it all over the world. Moreover, it is free. You can easily land customers or a job opportunity. It might not be the easiest task yet it has many benefits.

Building a Personal Brand
Building a Personal Brand

Let’s take a look at the measures you must take while setting up your personal brand.

Update your social media accounts

The first step towards building a personal brand is updating all your accounts. Make sure you add all your phone numbers and complete address. And do it on all platforms. Fill out all your information on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. If you have only one account, it will help your customers find you more easily.

Choose your niche 

You must mention your niche. This will let everyone know about what you work for and your area of expertise. This is important because it will spare you from the time-wasters who keep texting about different things. For example, if you are an event planner who only works with a high budget then, you should mention it. By doing so, no one will bother you if they cannot afford your prices.

Keep your personal brand unique

Your personal brand must be distinguished. It is easier to remember things that are different. If your motto stays the same throughout, it will have an impact on your audience and customers. You should aim for people to remember your brand. For example, if you are putting up a theme on Instagram, you must do the same on other social media platforms. People will understand more about your brand because they will recall your unique brand theme.

Keep Your Personal Brand Unique
Keep Your Personal Brand Unique

Frequently update your content

To build your personal brand, you will need content. Your content must be unique and mind-blowing. Mostly, it should be about what you do. For example, if you do graphic designing, you must upload your designs on social media. An artist or a writer can do so as well. This technique can give people a glimpse of your work and they are more likely to invest.

In addition, upload your content frequently. This will give out an ‘active account’ impression and people will engage more.

Frequently Update Your Content
Frequently Update Your Content

Upload your reviews

Reviews are extremely helpful to the customers. Others’ experiences help people decide if they should choose you. People with a personal brand on Instagram usually update reviews through stories and they make a ‘reviews’ section on highlights. Through this, people can easily see the highlights and decide. 

On Facebook, people upload photos and dedicate a whole folder to the reviews. 

Join groups relevant to your niche

There are so many groups on Facebook and LinkedIn. It is best if you join groups relevant to your niche. In case you are a social media manager and you join groups related to this field, you will find many tips, experiences, and job opportunities. Even if you are new to a field, your Facebook group family will help you in many ways. Plus, if you go around and help people for free, you will make connections and friends. It might give you recognition as a personal brand.

Reach and befriend influencers

Social media is all about influencers. Some have millions of followers; other local influencers have thousands. Sometimes, they take charges for a shootout. Other times, they get impressed with your work and do it for free. You can also collaborate with different influencers and it will get the word out. If you are friends with an influencer, you can create content together and mention your personal brand.

Reach and Befriend Influencers
Reach and Befriend Influencers


A personal brand through social media is amazing. Although, it needs lots of attention. If you focus on marketing your brand, you can easily find new contacts or customers. These days, people love and support personal brands and local artists. You can easily build your place among them.