Can you learn a foreign language through online courses?

Can you learn a foreign language through online courses?
You gave it a try before and couldn’t get any productive results towards learning a foreign language or you have been at a job for

You gave it a try before and couldn’t get any productive results towards learning a foreign language or you have been at a job for years and you want to give your life a new perspective. Well, learn a foreign language as it is your best shot at enjoying what’s left of your professional life as well as personal life.

Learn A Foreign Language Through Online Courses
Learn A Foreign Language Through Online Courses

Why now? You ask. 

We say, why not. Not only does learning a foreign language produce a thrilling sensation in your life, but it can also help you be better at your job. The benefits of learning a foreign language are many and to name a few:

  • Better job outlook
  • Increased salary
  • Increased chances of getting promoted.
  • Personal fulfillment
  • Cognitive growth

So, now the question is how to learn a foreign language? Our answer to that is you can do it very easily. There are many online platforms and courses that can help you learn a foreign language of your choice very easily. 

Benefits Of Learning A Foreign Language
Benefits Of Learning A Foreign Language

We have assembled a list of the best courses and platforms that teach foreign languages to the students and here they are:


FluentU is a platform that can help you learn a foreign in a personalized way. All of the resources such as videos, audios, written texts, or images in this course are designed in such a way to be helpful to the students in learning different languages. The course divides students into different levels starting from beginners to experts and provides different lessons on that basis.

The videos and other interactive content to learn a specific language is already separated from other languages and it is automatically characterized and assigned to different learner levels. While watching a video or reading text, you can click on a word and you will be provided with the meanings of the word in all the different formats such as video, audio, sound, image, and written text. So, FluentU is the best choice for you to get started with learning a foreign language and it can help you learn almost every language.

You can learn Chinese, French, Italian, or any other language of your choice for an annual fee of $240 or $19 a month.

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The best way to learn a foreign language is being able to play an active role in it which is fun, refreshing, and interactive. That’s right, with Duolingo, you are provided with courses for different languages in the format of a game. You play a game just like you play Candy Crush and along the way, you are taught different language lessons that leave an imprint in your mind instantly.

Not only that, you can find your friends on Facebook through this platform and you can invite them to play this game with you. You get to compete with your family and friends or distant relatives. The competition makes you catch speed and learn a language very quickly.


Rosetta stone

One of the best reasons to learn a foreign language from this platform is that you can do it very easily and it is a very cost-effective alternative as compared to other platforms. Out of the 28 languages that this platform offers the courses for, you can select any language and you will be provided with everything that you need to get to get a command over the language.

With a one-time payment of $199, this platform offers the best, most affordable way to learn a foreign language of your choosing. On a daily basis, you are provided with different tasks and lessons that are easy to learn and practice. It is one of the best language learning courses as the written, audio, visual, or any other context that is provided by this platform is rarely found on any other.


Alison is more beneficial for people who want to make everything according to their own preferences and timetable. With Alison, you can schedule classes, take a single foreign language learning class multiple times, learn a single language, or change to another language whenever you want to. The different languages for which courses are provided on Alison are Japanese, German, French, English, Chinese, Arabic, and a few others.

The best thing about courses on this platform is that you can self-pace them and you can either choose to watch ads to take classes in which case, the course becomes free of cost. If you want to get certified or remove ads, you can pay a little amount for it.
