When you search for something, the first page that appears on the top is Wikipedia. It is an online encyclopedia where people add their pages, articles, and knowledge. It has information about everything, especially famous things.

Why should you create a Wikipedia page?
People rely on a lot of information through Wikipedia. So, it is a great way to increase your reach. Wikipedia has almost everything now. Three things make you eligible to post on Wikipedia,
- If you and your company have invented something new or discovered a modern technology, you are eligible to post about it on Wikipedia.
- If you are famous and known by many. Wikipedia will run a ‘notability test’ to test your prominence.
- If the information you provide is not on Wikipedia already.

Create your own Wikipedia page with instant approval
There are a few requirements to post on Wikipedia. You cannot just write and post it out of nowhere. Wikipedia is famous for providing authentic information, and people rely on it wholeheartedly. Therefore, to create your Wikipedia page, you need to make sure that you fulfill all the requirements. Here are some things which you must do,
Research, research, research
Every wise person knows to research a topic before you dive in deep. Therefore, it should be your first step. You reading this blog is also a part of that research. Your main goal is to prevent things that will cause your article to disqualify Wikipedia standards. I mentioned a few things in the previous heading. You must consider them as well.
Select your topic
Wikipedia strictly prohibits plagiarism. Therefore, you need to think of a topic that is not already on Wikipedia. You must think of a topic and research it on the Wikipedia website. If you don’t find it on Wikipedia, you should proceed with your topic. You can create a Wikipedia page about yourself if you are a noticeable individual.
Know what to write
Your topic needs to be well-structured and unbiased. It is preferable if it contains facts and not your personal opinions and beliefs. For example, if you pass any racial or sexist remarks, chances are high for disapproval. Moreover, you must write professionally, and your article should have supportive references as well.
Create your account
You need to be a permanent user to post and publish your content on Wikipedia. Creating your account is quite simple. You add all your information and check if it is correct. You should have a profile because then, people will give you credit for your articles.
Gather correct sources
You must be careful while gathering the sources. You require third-party intervention to prove your point. You say that your business provides the best web security software. You need to prove it. You need to verify all your data. Moreover, check that your links are all functional and authentic.

Use the sandbox editor
We probably use google doc or Microsoft word for writing, but the sandbox editor is specific for a Wikipedia page. I would advise you to use a sandbox editor when writing for Wikipedia because it will guide you about things according to the standards of Wikipedia. You can access the sandbox editor by writing ‘WP: SB’ in the search option.

Edit and Review
You can either copy-paste or rewrite your article in the sandbox editor. You can add it and then click show preview. This will present the final look of your article. You can still make changes at this stage. Therefore, read and review carefully.
Submit for approval
The last step is to submit your article, sit back and relax. The Wikipedia editors will read and review it. It may take some days or some weeks maximum. They may point out that you need to add more sources then you fix it. Apart from this, they will post the articles if it fits all the criteria for posting on Wikipedia.
Some people are not good writers. What should they do? They can choose Wikipedia page creation services. They will make your page for you. Your page has maximum chances of success when you do everything that I have mentioned in this blog.