Improve your visibility at work

Improve your visibility at work
Earlier, being good at your profession was enough to get ahead in your job. But now, things have changed. There are numerous requisites required to

Earlier, being good at your profession was enough to get ahead in your job. But now, things have changed. There are numerous requisites required to kick-start your career and keep moving forward. Besides just being good at your job, social networking, being available at all hours, being responsive, etc., is also significant to increase visibility at work when working from home.

Always relying on your colleagues and boss won’t help you get ahead in your career or increase your visibility, especially if you work from home.  Instead, it is mandatory to maximize your contact for the opportunities to arise.

6 Ways to Increase your Visibility at Work when You Work from Home
6 Ways to Increase your Visibility at Work when You Work from Home

Are you among those people who are uncomfortable promoting themselves and prefer pursuing passive roles in a company? If yes, then these are a few ways to increase visibility at work.

Importance of Maintaining Visibility While Working from Home:

Even though you might prefer keeping a low profile while working from home, it’s important to increase your visibility for your best interest. Here’s why:

  • It can help you get tapped for enhanced opportunities.
  • You can become more influential and build stronger relationships with your co-workers.
  • You, along with other co-workers, can get the recognition.
  • You can enhance the perception that you are a good and efficient leader.
  • You can increase your productivity and prove your value in your organization.

How Can You Increase Visibility at Work While Working from Home?

Work from home jobs might come with a lot of struggles. Therefore, it is important to strategize and follow these tips to increase your visibility while working from home.

Turn on Your Camera:

Though you can be completely comfortable in your setting while working from home but connecting with co-workers and subordinates now and then is also important. You might not need to turn on your camera in an online office meeting, but choosing to turn it on during the meetings is a good option if you want to increase your visibility. This can help you boost visibility immediately.

Participate in Official Meetings:

Another strategy that can help you increase visibility is speaking up and sharing your perspective during the meetings, specifically if your co-workers are dispersed worldwide. Make sure you use a firm and confident voice, particularly if you’re using phone calls to connect.


One of the key strategies to increase your visibility is networking and socializing. Remote workers can be more productive than the people who’re working in traditional offices. Being available to your colleagues and boss, continuously engaging in interesting conversations, and socializing with them online can help in increasing visibility while working from home.


Cross-departmental Meetings:

No one wants meetings now and then, but cross-departmental meetings and over-communicating are quite essential if you’re working from home. This will help you be more noticeable and help you collaborate with other members of the team to share ideas. This time can be used for brainstorming and a working session to ensure that the entire team is on the same page.

Cross-Departmental Meetings
Cross-Departmental Meetings

Volunteer for Extra Work:

You can always ask your boss or your manager to sit in additional meetings and official sessions. This is the greatest opportunity to increase your profile and unveil yourself to the shareholders or clients. This can help you get into projects which are inaccessible to you otherwise. Thereforeit is important to give some extra time to increase visibility at work if you want to get ahead in your career.

Volunteer for Extra Work
Volunteer for Extra Work

Build Good Relationships with your Boss:

It is good to communicate with your boss regularly. Strengthening your relationship with the boss and asking for their suggestions can help you become visible within the company, and only effective communication can help you achieve this. Therefore, make sure your boss is your ally. Having good relationships with your boss can open up doors to a good and successful future. Thus, make sure you have a friendly relationship with your boss.


No matter how experienced you are, you’ll always have to compete with others to get ahead. To make sure you’re going down the right path, follow these tips and strategies. In this article, we have highlighted a list of 6 amazing tips to increase visibility while working from home. Once you adopt them, you’ll eventually see a change in the position in your company.

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