SEMrush is your all-in-one place for marketing. It is a tool that oversees your progress and improves your visibility. It provides many services like PPC, keyword research, SEO, content marketing, campaign management, etc. Ever since social media has made its way into the marketing world, SEMrush has included a social media marketing tool as well. Before we go into details, there are five social media sites to use for your business. These are,
- Facebook business
- Instagram business

SEMrush social media tool for Facebook
Facebook is the first social media platform people associate with. This social media toolkit can help you use Facebook to your maximum advantage. SEMrush provides many features for this purpose.
Schedule posts
You can set up your promotion post and schedule it to post later as a draft. You can also schedule it to post automatically at your choice of time.

Post videos
The same goes for the videos. You can upload them, write a caption, and set the time to post them later or save them as a draft.
Add links
You can add links to your post about your website or any other links.
You can promote or boost your Facebook posts through this tool. Your posts will become engaging and reach a better audience.
After all your hard work, you can learn if it made any impact or not. SEMrush social media toolkit insights will provide you with detailed analysis reports. It will inform you of things that work best for your audience and the things you should stop.

Track competitors
Another important feature of this toolkit is competition tracking. You can keep an eye on your competitors and compare your progress with them. It will allow you to make better decisions and stay ahead.

In addition to these, there are many other options like you can directly add online content, make your editorial calendar or you can see previews about your posts. Moreover, another exciting feature is creating and optimizing Facebook ads. You can post ads and track their progress as well.
SEMrush social media toolkit for Instagram
Instagram is the second most famous platform for business after Facebook. You can use similar features with Instagram. Instagram offers a slightly different approach. It is a picture-friendly platform. You can post your content directly or schedule it for later. Furthermore, you can directly edit your posts and repost them through this tool. The insights will provide you information about your audience. You will get a full statistical report on your performance. In addition to these, there is a special feature to track your competitors and see your progress.
SEMrush social media toolkit for Twitter
Twitter is an excellent platform to engage with hot and trending topics. You can schedule your content on Twitter as well. It will post automatically on the set time. SEMrush social media toolkit offers a word count on Twitter. Twitter has a strict 260-character policy, so we prefer shorter content on Twitter. Moreover, you can edit images, add links, and preview your tweets through this toolkit.
SEMrush social media toolkit for LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a social media marketing site best suitable for B2B sales. It is the only platform to engage professional people. This toolkit allows you to create content on LinkedIn. You can reuse and curate your content on LinkedIn. You can edit your photos through the photo editor and schedule your posts. It is crucial to stay on top, so you should share important news and links. You can use the chrome extension to share images, posts, and texts. You can analyze your content and look at your competitor’s performance.
SEMrush social media toolkit for Pinterest
Pinterest is a place for aesthetically pleasing pictures. You can manage your pins and promote your content through this SEMrush social media toolkit for free. You can add links and evaluate your progress through this tool.
If you find it hard to use this toolkit, SEMrush academy has offered a SEMrush social media toolkit course to help people learn this amazing tool. Both this toolkit and course are free. You don’t need to invest anything other than your consistency and efforts.