Qualities needed for a successful medical assistant

Qualities needed for a successful medical assistant
It is no secret that the medical field ranks high among the fastest-growing fields in the world. With the most complex hierarchy, the-ever expanding medical

It is no secret that the medical field ranks high among the fastest-growing fields in the world. With the most complex hierarchy, the-ever expanding medical field creates new job opportunities for individuals having a different set of skills and educational backgrounds.

To get into the medical field, it is not necessary to become a doctor or have a degree in nursing. You can have a diploma in a relevant field and meet the experience requirements and you are good. One example of such a program is to become a certified medical assistant.

What is a medical assistant?

Medical assistants are well-trained healthcare providers who can run a medical office. They have to work in close proximity to doctors, nurses, and other staff members to provide the necessary healthcare services to the patients.

Medical Assistant
Medical Assistant

The job description of a medical assistant is to perform a variety of tasks such as administration, assisting physicians, doing daily chores, and taking care of patients.

How to become a medical assistant?

In most cases, you do not need a dedicated formal educational background to become a medical assistant. Acquiring a medical assistant diploma from an accredited source will be sufficient for you to get hired. In addition to that, you will be required to gain some experience in the field under discussion and you are good to go.

However, to become successful and be a necessary part of the team, you will have to gain some qualities and skills which are discussed in the following sections.

Qualities of a medical assistant

Here are some of the key qualities to get medical assistant jobs and be successful in this profession.

Qualities Of A Medical Assistant
Qualities Of A Medical Assistant

Good communication skills

A medical assistant is an important member of a healthcare team along with doctors and nurses. They come in direct contact with physicians, patients, health insurance companies, and other staff members. Having excellent communication skills is paramount to perform your duties and taking care of patients on a daily basis. Listening to the needs of doctors and patients and replying to them in a considerate way is the ultimate result of having impressive verbal skills. In addition to that, while running a clinic or an office, part of your job as a medical assistant would be to handle phone calls which also requires people skills.

In-depth knowledge of the medical practice

Being a healthcare provider means being able to fill in for a staff member. As a medical assistant, doctors will ask you to perform regular medical duties. Taking medical histories from patients, advising patients, collecting blood samples, administering medicines orally or via intravenous route, and checking for vital signs are some examples of the duties that you will have to perform. Having medical knowledge and the necessary medical training at this point will prove to be useful to you.

In-Depth Knowledge Of The Medical Practice
In-Depth Knowledge Of The Medical Practice

Empathy for patients

You will come across different scenarios every day while you are working as a medical assistant. Patients who have chronic diseases, patients with serious pain in different parts of their body, and patients who need emergency treatment will need a lot of support. As a medical assistant, you can provide the relief they want by simply conversing with them, helping them take their medicines, and using utilities. Putting a smile on your face for the distraught patients will help them get better soon.

Compassion, dedication, and attention to detail

Dedicating every day of your life for the well-being of others and compassion for the patients and their family members is one of the key qualities for a successful medical assistant. Not only that, giving importance to every task appointed to you by doctors and being attentive all the time will prove to be fruitful for you. The different experiences will enhance your ability to deal with different circumstances. With time, you will become the expert at what you do and in return, you can ask the authorities for a raise in the salary or a promotion.

Empathy For Patients
Empathy For Patients

Salary & job outlook

Medical assistants’ salary directly depends upon the education, training, experience, efficiency, as well as the policies of the organization that they work for. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average median salary of medical assistants was $33,610 which was expected to grow exponentially in the following years. The same statistics state that jobs for medical assistants will grow by 23% until 2028.