Recommended task management apps in 2021

Recommended task management apps in 2021
Some businesses find it hard to cover their daily tasks. Such businesses cannot compete in the race of time. You don’t have to be like

Some businesses find it hard to cover their daily tasks. Such businesses cannot compete in the race of time. You don’t have to be like them. Use any of the task management software or applications to stay productive and ahead of your competition.

Why should you use a task management app?

Why indeed? Task management apps are more secure than anything. Human intelligence may forget things, but this app won’t. You can make teams, assign tasks, prioritize them, and set deadlines. Everyone on the team is aware of everything, and they work together to complete the tasks. Such apps are known to increase productivity. They offer better time management to businesses. 

There are many task management apps for businesses. Let us recommend some to you.


Trello is our productivity software. It helps teams and businesses move forward and conquer tasks. Famous teams like Google and SquareSpace use Trello to stay on their course. You can schedule meetings, project deadlines, and set goals. Trello has the best features to sort everything out. You can make a list of tasks done, to-do, or doing on your boards. This will be visible to your employees, and it will help everyone to stay on track.

Trello has a free, standard, premium, and enterprise version. You can select according to your needs and affordability.


Get Busy

Get busy aims to make your work life easier by its features. You can create to-do lists, plan things, transfer data, and set deadlines. You can set these for your employees or even with another company. You can plan your work, and manage tasks efficiently. You get reminders of your work every time. This task management app is perfect for small and medium-level enterprises. 

You can test this app through a free trial, but the complete package will cost one person $39 per month.

Get Busy is a famous solutions-providing platform. You can select whatever you want. It has many options like software development, task management, marketing, IT, etc. You can select your team and assign them tasks. This task management application will look after the rest for you. The team leader can look after every step of your progress. This software is specifically designed for detailed and comprehensive tasks. Therefore, it is more suitable for larger businesses and enterprises. You can set up your tasks according to priority, and the application will remind you about them first. It has a calendar as well; you can mark all your deadlines on it. I think it becomes more organized this way. Lastly, the application will track and provide results about your job.  

The individual package is free for up to 2 seats. Other packages include basic, pro, and standard. All are affordable.


Asana is a task management app for teams. You can build plans, complete projects, and hit deadlines faster than any other. Asana’s goal is to help teams achieve their goals error-free. There are many features you can use. You can insert Gantt charts, monitor your status, and supervise your employees. There are so many useful features. I would recommend asana to anyone who wants productivity. You can use asana free for 30 days. There are three plans available,

  • Basic
  • Premium
  • Business

All three of them entertain different people and have different prices. The basic plan is for free, premium plan starts from $10.99, and $24.99 for business.



TMETRIC enables your business to build a profitable work schedule. You can feel accomplished throughout the day by using its features. It allows you to monitor the history and work on your drawbacks. This application will help you point out your strengths and weaknesses. In this way, you can avoid poor practices. It can be your finance software as well. It will track your budget for every task. The pricing is based on free, business, or professional plans. You can start your free trial right now.


As I have mentioned, people suffer losses because they are unable to meet deadlines. I am not talking about the loss of money but also the loss of reputation. We are in the age of digital media. Any bad review about your business can cause you, clients. Therefore, invest in a good task management app for your good.