Technology is here to stay, which is a good thing because it has made even the most routine activities much easier to complete with just a few keystrokes. Pencil and paper, as well as large, hefty ledger books, are no longer in use.
Tech-savvy schools are here to stay, and they’re committed to using cutting-edge technology to improve students’ learning experiences. The following is a list of online schools that provide the highest quality education using cutting-edge technology to the discerning distance learner.
University of Bridgeport
Within Canvas, asynchronous teaching is common, including discussion threads and Internet-based examinations. The institution uses video as well as other multimedia resources in its online courses. With technologies like Blackboard Collaborate, professors may also engage students via live messaging or conference. You’ll get access to technical support, as well as the ability to manage your course deadlines and grades, as well as audio recording capabilities and the option to contact your teachers.

Your academic adviser will support you from start to finish after you’ve been accepted. Additional incentives for online students at the institution include unrestricted technical help and a free eTutor.
East Carolina University
Over 100 online and certificate degree programs are available, with a concentration on health care, technology, business, and education, to mention a few. Some of these allow for live discussions between students and lecturers. Distance learners might feel linked to the main campus because coursework is submitted digitally and mentors are available during certain hours.

You can anticipate the same high-quality education as on-campus students as an ECU online student. The faculty is ready to assist you in achieving your academic and professional objectives. Without a doubt, you will have the support of the Online Student Services Team as well as the resources necessary to achieve.
New York University Tandon School of Engineering
The Tandon School of Engineering at New York University is always seeking to improve students’ online learning experiences by providing interactive and research opportunities. They’ve built an Online Learning Production Studio to include gamification into their curriculum in order to attract the future generation.

Lectures may be seen live or afterwards, and can even be viewed on cell phones and tablets. The Blackboard learning system is also used to provide content. Degrees in technology, engineering, science, and management are available. Distance students can also use online discussion boards and webinars to access the university’s library resources and career services, as well as benefit from regular engagement with peers and faculty.
Drexel University
At the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-based institution, on-campus faculty teach more than 100 online courses. Students can collaborate on assignments and participate in “live classrooms” with professors and classmates using the Blackboard Learning Management System.

Multimedia presentations and internet forums are two more instructional methods. Students may also use the Writing Center to have real-time conversations with tutors who can assist them with their assignments by providing assistance.
Drexel University’s staff is committed to improving every student’s experience by adopting the most cutting-edge programming and design in their online education.