Unveil the mysteries of Greek and Roman myths

Unveil the mysteries of Greek and Roman myths
With the long history of humanity, there are so many cultures that have been built up as a result of human evolution. Each culture has

Unveil the Mysteries of Greek and Roman Myths
Unveil the Mysteries of Greek and Roman Myths

With the long history of humanity, there are so many cultures that have been built up as a result of human evolution. Each culture has their own features, from ancient Egypt to modern society, and myths stories have endured over a long time parallel to the timeline.

About Greek and Roman mythology course

The myths of ancient Greece and Rome will be the subject of this course. Learners will explore the nature of myth and the role it plays in the lives of individuals, societies, and nations. Some myths revolve around events that are difficult to explain, such as the founding of a country. Some recount the accomplishments and bravery of great heroes and heroines in the face of adversity. Others are basic stories about ordinary individuals who fall into danger or perform a heroic act. What should we make of all these stories, and why do people seem to enjoy hearing them?

The formation of the cosmos, the relationship between gods and mortals, human nature, religion, love, madness, and death are only some of the subjects covered in this Greek and Roman myths course of Coursera.

Class Schedule

The Greek and Roman mythology course will be lasted in 10 weeks:


Greek and Roman are always full of mysteries. This week, we will start the journey to the ancient time to define myths through the eyes of people at that time and compare the reaction of modern people to these stories.

To the land of heroic stories

To The Land of Heroic Stories
To The Land of Heroic Stories

This week we’ll also begin our foray into Homer’s world and the epic poem, the Odyssey. This core book provides us with not only a thrilling story to enjoy on its own terms, but also a kind of laboratory to explore myths using various theoretical techniques. Researching about heroism, relationships between gods and mortals, family dynamics, and the Homeric values of hospitality and resourcefulness.

Adventures Out and Back

This week, we’ll follow Odysseus, the “man of twists and turns,” as he travels by sea and land. Perils abound throughout the hero’s trips abroad and when he returns to his homeland. This section of the Odyssey includes memorable creatures and exotic witches, as well as Odysseus’ journey into the Underworld, where he meets shades of comrades and relatives.

Identity and Signs

A disguised Odysseus must use all of his resources to reclaim his kingdom as he gets closer to reclaiming his place on Ithaca and with his family. As Odysseus cautiously begins to expose his identity to various members of his household – his slaves, his dog, his son, and finally, his wife – we’ll see numerous examples of reunion.

Gods and Humans

Gods and Humans
Gods and Humans

Gods, a powerful entity. We’ll look at Hesiod’s Theogony, the most authoritative tale about the birth of the cosmos from Greek antiquity. Hesiod was widely regarded as the only poet capable of competing with Homer. The Theogony, or “birth of the gods,” talks of a previous order of gods who, before Zeus, were ruled by great passions.

Ritual and Religion 

One of the exciting topics will be discussed this week. The Greek and Roman people have a powerful faith in their gods, this could be seen through the architecture of ancient buildings. Of fact, myth and ritual are both fundamental aspects of religion. The interaction of ancient myths and rituals reveals a lot about both of these significant cultural structures. We’ll hear two of the most famous hymns to Olympian deities, which share intimate anecdotes about the gods while also providing detailed explanations of the rites they want us to complete.



What counts as a just action, and what counts as an unjust one? Who gets to decide? These are trickier questions than some will have us think. This unit looks at one of the most famously thorny issues of justice in all of the ancient world.

Unstable Selves  

This week we encounter two famous tragedies, both set at Thebes, that center on questions of guilt and identity: Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex and Euripides’ Bacchae.

The Roman Hero, Remade

After several centuries, we jump into a different part of the Mediterranean to let the Romans give us their take on myth. Although many poets tried to rewrite Homer for their own times, no one succeeded quite like Vergil. His epic poem, the Aeneid which we’ll research about.

Week 10: Roman Myth and Ovid’s Metamorphoses 

We will find out Ovid, a more lighthearted Roman poet whose brilliance can be found in practically every register. Ovid’s dramatic retellings of numerous ancient myths became the versions that we are most familiar with today, and they were profound, funny, and satiric all at the same time. Finally, we conclude the course with a retrospective look at myth through the eyes of the Romans and others who “remythologize.”
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