What are the most common cyber-attacks?

What are the most common cyber-attacks?
Under the influence of technology, the world has revolutionized and so have the criminals. The criminals are like predators, they keep searching for any vulnerability

Under the influence of technology, the world has revolutionized and so have the criminals. The criminals are like predators, they keep searching for any vulnerability and attack at the first chance they get. Cyber-crime is a type of crime that uses the internet for assault, it could be fraud, theft, or blackmailing. 


Who can be the target?

Anyone can be the target of this malicious practice. Businesses are more likely to suffer from these cyber-attacks because targeting one big facility is better than targeting single people individually. Large businesses are mostly informed, and so, they can recover in case they are robbed. Small businesses are oblivious of the nature of these attacks and it is almost impossible for them to recover.

What are they after?

These criminals want your money in most cases. They try to steal your data to gain money from that. They might create a scam that will be appealing to you but they will get your information in no time.

What to do?

Firstly, Awareness is the key. Secondly, never let your guard down and never think that this cannot happen to me because it can. In this next part, we are going to educate you on the most common cyber-attacks and how to prevent them.


Most common types of cyber-attacks:

Following are the different types of cyber-attacks that you need to be aware of:


Malware or malicious software can be defined as any code or program that is harmful to your system. It is like an infection that can penetrate your gadgets and gain control over them. It could be done to gain money, to use information, to blackmail, or even to spy on you. 

How to identify?

Sometimes, you can tell if your gadget is acting out, or you hear from friends about messages that you didn’t send. That is most likely malware.

How to overcome it?

Malware is mostly through an application. The quicker you realize which one, the easier it is. Once you find out, you can force stop the application or uninstall it altogether. 

You can also install Malwarebytes; it is an anti-malware software and it will prevent these attacks. For a better understanding of this attack and how to prevent or overcome it, you can take online malware courses. 



Phishing is another type of cyber threat and it is very common. It is a scam. The criminal presents himself as a representative of a reputable company and asks for your personal information. He could say that he is the manager of your bank and because you trust that bank, it is most likely that you will hand over your information naively. 

How to identify?

There are few ways through which you can sense that something is wrong. The person will rush things, he will most probably create a panic so you can hand over your information.

How to overcome it?

If you realize that you are phished, immediately disconnect your device and call the respective authority. You should also inform others of this scam.

SQL injection attack:

SQL is a programming language. The SQL injection is the introduction of SQL queries through user input. A successful SQL user will be able to read, replace or remove personal information from a database.

How to identify?

It is an extreme level of digital attack and professional programmers can only identify it through tags and IP addresses of problematic servers.

How to overcome it?

Recovering the lost data is an extremely expensive process. It can only be done by professional programmers.

Denial-of-service (DoS):

The DoS attack is when the perpetrator disconnects the devices from the network or increases the internet traffic. It can overload the website and can be efficiently used for blackmailing.

How to identify?

Sudden disconnection from the network and inability to load a webpage may indicate DoS attacks.

How to overcome it?

A proper professional can easily counterattack the DoS. It is required that you secure your data from everywhere.

Credential stuffing:

This type of attack is possible when the user sets the same passwords for their ease. The criminal takes advantage of this situation and can easily get into your accounts.

Credential Stuffing
Credential Stuffing

How to identify?

You can see it by unrecognized activity from your account or through loss and gain of unidentified data.

How to overcome it? 

Try to recover your account instantly through backups and never set the same passwords anywhere.


If you want to protect your business from cyber-attacks, you need to be aware of the common types of attacks and take necessary measures to prevent these attacks.