What is AWS: Introduction to Amazon Cloud Services

What is AWS: Introduction to Amazon Cloud Services
One of the most comprehensive and globally adopted platforms, AWS offers more than 200 featured services. This makes it among the biggest e-commerce businesses in

One of the most comprehensive and globally adopted platforms, AWS offers more than 200 featured services. This makes it among the biggest e-commerce businesses in the world. The question here comes;

“What does AWS stand for?”

AWS stands for Amazon Web Services, which is basically a cloud platform and one of the biggest e-commerce industries. According to the 2020 statistics, Amazon Web Services broke the record of almost $10 billion revenue for almost 13.5% of Amazon’s total profits.

AWS is considered to be the leader of the rest of such platforms including Microsoft Azure. In this article, we’ll discuss “what is AWS?” and how to use amazon cloud services to generate an income.

What is AWS: Introduction to Amazon Cloud Services
What is AWS: Introduction to Amazon Cloud Services

Key Features:

1.      Since, AWS is the lead cloud processing platform, therefore, it is the main profit driver for Amazon.

2.      Back in the first quarter of 2020, it became a $10 billion business leaving behind the rest of the businesses.

3.      Moreover, it also controls more than 70% of the cloud market, which is two times more than its competitor.

Key Features
Key Features

What Is It Exactly?

AWS is designed with numerous cloud processing services and products. Being highly profitable, it provides distinctive features including storage, networking, email and mobile development, servers, security and remote computing.

It can be further broken down into three products, which are:

·        EC2 (Virtual Machine Service)

·        Glacier (low-cost cloud storage service)

·        S3 (Storage System)

AWS is so large that it easily outpaced its competitors. Different reports said that Amazon Web Services has 32.4% of the market which is followed by Azure with 17.6% and Google Cloud at 6%.

How Much Does AWS Cost?

For people who are investing in Amazon or want to start a business with AWS often question;

“How much does AWS cost?”

Well, if you are thinking of hosting a personal website in collaboration with AWS then the cost varies according to your usage. Normally, it costs almost $1 to $3 every month outside the Amazon Web Services Free tier limits. But if you qualify for AWS free tier then hosting a website will cost almost $0.50 every month, which in fact, is a really less amount.

How Much Does AWS Cost
How Much Does AWS Cost

Amazon Cloud Services Certification:

Because most companies are now preferring online services, therefore, the workload is gradually shifting towards the public cloud. But it is not that easy. This shift requires a whole new set of skills for designing, deploying and managing the applications.

There are several courses provided by AWS which you can learn to adapt these new skill sets. With an AWS certification you can easily have the in-demand, profitable and lucrative skills which are authorized by the most recognized entities in cloud processing.

The Amazon Cloud Services Certification provides a better understanding of the platform and helps you achieve a better level of cloud proficiency that can expedite your time to accomplish bigger projects.

How is Amazon Cloud Service Helpful for Businesses?

One of the most helpful resources for setting up your own business is Amazon Web Services. AWS offers more than 50 free services which can help you build, scale up your business and launch start-up easily. The good thing is that you have on-demand access to all the features and sources.

Whether you have recently started a business or have a fully-funded business already, AWS can be helpful to both. With its exclusive and incredible features, you can easily boost your business within months.

AWS is trending these days, which is why it is considered to be the most beneficial company. AWS offers to power your start-up, develop your website, create mobile applications, expand your storage and build big data and help you expand your businesses easily.

How is Amazon Cloud Service Helpful for Businesses


Because of the immense revenue generated last year, Amazon Web Services were termed as the cash cow for the website, Amazon. The services provided by AWS have changed the retail space in America to a really great extent.

And the good thing is that the pricing of the products is quite cheap. So, for anyone looking for scalable and affordable services for a new start-up, get linked with Amazon Web Services. In short, we can say that AWS is one of the best platforms to begin your business.

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